Melbourne property ready for valuation

How to Prepare for a Property Valuation in Melbourne

Proper preparation is key to ensuring an accurate property valuation in Melbourne. By taking certain steps, homeowners can help maximise their property’s value during the valuation process.

Why Preparation Matters

A well-prepared property can make a significant difference in the outcome of a valuation. Ensuring that your property is in its best condition can lead to a higher market value.

Steps to Prepare for Property Valuation

  1. Clean and Declutter: A clean, uncluttered space gives a better impression and can positively influence the valuer’s perception.
  2. Make Necessary Repairs: Addressing any outstanding repairs, such as fixing leaks or repainting walls, can improve your property’s valuation.
  3. Enhance Curb Appeal: First impressions matter. Ensure your property’s exterior is well-maintained to create a positive impact.

What to Expect During the Valuation

Understanding what a valuer looks for during the assessment can help you prepare more effectively. Valuers consider factors like location, condition, and market trends.


Proper preparation can lead to a more favourable property valuation in Melbourne. For expert valuation services.